Common Problems and Solutions for CSS position: sticky

The position: sticky property in CSS is an elegant way to create sticky elements that stay fixed within a specific area. However, implementing it can sometimes lead to unexpected issues. This guide explores common problems and their solutions.

How position: sticky Works

A sticky element toggles between relative and fixed positioning, depending on the scroll position. When a defined threshold is reached (e.g., top: 0), the element "sticks" to that point. Let’s dive into potential pitfalls and how to fix them.

Common Issues and Fixes

1. Missing top, bottom, left, or right values

Without a specified offset, such as top: 0, the sticky behavior will not be triggered.

1.sidebar {
2  position: sticky;
3  top: 0;

Make sure at least one offset property is defined.

2. Parent elements with incorrect overflow properties

If a parent element has overflow: hidden, overflow: scroll, or overflow: auto, the sticky element’s behavior can break. This happens because the sticky element is constrained by the boundaries of its scrollable parent.

How to diagnose?

Use the following JavaScript snippet to identify problematic parent elements:

1let parent = document.querySelector('.sidebar').parentElement;
3while (parent) {
4  const overflow = getComputedStyle(parent).overflow;
5  if (overflow !== 'visible') {
6    console.log('Problematic overflow:', overflow, parent);
7  }
8  parent = parent.parentElement;


  • Set overflow: visible on the affected parent elements.

3. Parent element’s height not defined

If the height of the parent container is not set, the sticky element might not have enough space to "stick."

1.wrapper {
2  height: 100%;

Ensure the parent container has a defined height to allow proper sticky behavior.

4. Flexbox and alignment issues

Sticky elements within a display: flex parent can encounter problems due to align-self: auto or align-self: stretch.


1.sidebar {
2  align-self: flex-start;

This ensures the sticky element maintains its natural size.

View the to see it in action under real-world conditions (in the demo, the logo is positioned on the left side of the page and remains visible while scrolling).


position: sticky is a powerful tool for modern web design, but it requires careful attention to its constraints and dependencies. Use this checklist to troubleshoot issues and achieve the desired sticky behavior effectively.

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